“The voice of Jesus Christ is heard distinctly in the silence of retreats, and this internal voice is so efficacious and powerful, that no heart can resist it or be deaf to its loving appeals.”
“Rabbi, where are you staying?” He said to them, “come and you will see.” So, they went and saw where He was staying.”
Young women between the ages of 18 and 35 who are discerning a vocation to Religious Life are invited to join us for a vocation retreat at our Motherhouse in Alma, Michigan.
Retreatants are asked to arrive by Friday afternoon and depart on Sunday afternoon. Exceptions regarding travel dates and times are made on an individual basis. During the weekend, retreatants are invited to enter into the rhythm of our life of Prayer and Common Life, and are introduced to our Apostolic Service.
For more information or to register for a vocation retreat, please contact the Vocation Director, Sister Mary Mia, RSM:
By e-mail at vocation@almamercy.org
By phone at 989-493-6366