Saint Andrew Home of Mercy
Edinburgh, Scotland
1 Sep, 2024 is the 50th birthday of the Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma, Michigan!
That makes this whole year, 1 Sept 2023- 1 Sept 2024, our jubilee year.
Please join us in celebration! How? Trusting in the Father of mercies, We have sought and received from the Church a plenary indulgence for all who: (1) pray in one of our chapels finishing with a Creed, Father, and Hail Mary, (2) go to Confession, receive the Eucharist, and pray for the Pope's intentions within 20 days of the chapel visit, and (3) are completely detached from all sin.
What IS a plenary indulgence? It is a gift of grace to a truly contrite soul who seeks freedom and healing from the interior damages of his/her past sins (sometimes called sin's temporal punishments) through specific acts decreed by the Church (e.g. prayer in one of our chapels). What does it DO? The result of a plenary indulgence is precisely that freedom from sin's damages, and therefore, perfect readiness for heaven. In other words, until you sin again... you go straight to heaven! The Church offers this gift by virtue of the binding and loosing power granted to her by Jesus and the inestimable grace of Jesus, Mary, and the saints. She does so for the salvation of souls. While, in a way, reception of a plenary indulgence is simple, don't forget (3) complete detachment from sin! To earn a plenary indulgence, we must be entirely God's. As such, Let's pray for God's help using the words of the Mercy foundress, Mother Catherine McAuley: “My God I am thine, for time and eternity!”