Perpetual Profession
& Ongoing Formation
“I shall place my delight in the remembrance of Thy favors, of Thy love and Thy mercy to me. I am now resolved, with the help of Thy Grace, O My God, to be Thine without reserve or division and to serve Thee with lively devotion to the last hour of my existence”
“Formation is a progressive unfolding of the call by God the Father to the individual sister and of the interior attraction which accompanies it. Our Customs and Guide explains that ‘the formation of a Religious Sister of Mercy is a lifelong process that begins from the day of her entrance as a postulant into the Institute and continues until her entrance into eternal life’” (Ratio Formationis, 2017). In light of the life-long process of religious formation, it is incumbent upon each sister to take up the responsibility of engaging in this formation through her life of prayer, spiritual reading, life in common, and honest and personal dialogue with other sisters of the Institute. In addition to the formal and informal times of discussion and learning in the local communities, the Perpetually Professed Sisters come together every summer at the Motherhouse for a time of retreat, classes, and fellowship together.